Eight people were injured when the bus collided with a truck and overturned on Port Said-Damietta highway."Deadly road accidents take place on a daily basis in Egypt due to poor road safety, badly maintained infrastructure, and loosely enforced traffic regulations," Al-Ahram reported. Road accidents in Egypt have been on an increase in the past year, according to a recent report by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics."Road accidents in the first half of 2019 left 1,567 dead and 6,046 injured, anRead More – Source
Eight people were injured when the bus collided with a truck and overturned on Port Said-Damietta highway."Deadly road accidents take place on a daily basis in Egypt due to poor road safety, badly maintained infrastructure, and loosely enforced traffic regulations," Al-Ahram reported. Road accidents in Egypt have been on an increase in the past year, according to a recent report by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics."Road accidents in the first half of 2019 left 1,567 dead and 6,046 injured, anRead More – Source