NEW DELHI: BJP MP GVL Narasimha Rao has introduced a Private Members Bill in Rajya Sabha seeking amendment of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 to make it mandatory for MPs to disclose their foreign travels to the Parliament secretariat every year and whether any foreign hospitality had been received by them during such trips.
While a circular was sent by the parliamentary affairs minister to all MPs in July in this regard, the bill titled — the Representation Of the People (Amendment) Bill, 2019 — seeks to make the disclosures “mandatory” for all MPs.
“The members are advised by the secretariat of both Houses to send information of their visits abroad, stating the purpose and the itineraries, to the respective secretary-general at least 3 weeks in advance so that the ministry of external affairs and the Indian mission concerned can be informed of the same,” it says. “Members travelling abroad in their personal capacity are also advised to furnish some information on such foreign travels … this advisory has not been adhered to by moRead More – Source