Come again?It sounds scary, but zoo officials said the mangrove snake that somehow slithered loose from its display poses no threat to visitors. It's probably more scared of you, anyway."Mangrove snakes, though mildly venomous, are not known to be dangerous to people. They are shy, timid, secretive in nature and active at night," the zoo said in a statement. The zoo began notifying guests Wednesday that the snake slipped out of its exhibit in JungleWorld, and out of an abundance of caution, officials placed a sign at the zoo's entrance pointing out that "There is little chance of seeing or coming into contact with this snake."Officials told CNN affiliate WCBS that the missing snake probably made its escape through a mesh cover. The Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute describes the maRead More – Source
Come again?It sounds scary, but zoo officials said the mangrove snake that somehow slithered loose from its display poses no threat to visitors. It's probably more scared of you, anyway."Mangrove snakes, though mildly venomous, are not known to be dangerous to people. They are shy, timid, secretive in nature and active at night," the zoo said in a statement. The zoo began notifying guests Wednesday that the snake slipped out of its exhibit in JungleWorld, and out of an abundance of caution, officials placed a sign at the zoo's entrance pointing out that "There is little chance of seeing or coming into contact with this snake."Officials told CNN affiliate WCBS that the missing snake probably made its escape through a mesh cover. The Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute describes the maRead More – Source