Bucknor died from complications due to sickle cell, her sister and renowned event planner, Funke Bucknor Obruthe said in an Instagram post."My darling sister and besto Tosyn passed away last night due to complications from sickle cell," she wrote.Bucknor was found unconscious by her husband, a French national, Aurélien Boyer when he returned home from work on Monday night, according to local media reports.Known as the 'Voice of Lagos,' her early morning shows aired on two local radio stations and attracted a strong fanbase among young Nigerians.She was vocal about her health condition and founded the 'These Genes Project' in 2007 to raise awareness about sickle cell.There has been an outpouring of tributes from celebrities and fans of the radio personality.Singer and Nollywood actor Bankole Wellington, commonly known as Banky W, described Tosyn as one of his "favorite people on earth.""I believe she's resting in a better place, but I'm hurting badly because I wasn't ready to say goodbye. "Today I'm completely heartbroken because I have lost one of my favorite people, but I'm so grateful that I got to know her at all. I will miss her forever," Wellington told CNN.Nigerian rapper Falz (real name Folarin Falana) in an Instagram post said the popular vlogger, was in "a better place.""Angels don't die, they ascend to heaven. I know you're in a better place," Falz said.Politician and Lagos State gubernatorial candidate Jimi Agbaje said the news of her death saddened him."I have just received the sad news of the passage of Tosyn Bucknor (Area Mama) due to complications from sickle cell. As a healthcare professional, I am well aware of the challenges of people living with sickle cell. Tosyn fought a good fight," he tweeted.Sickle cell disease is a prevalent genetic disease in Africa, according to the World Health Organization.The United States Centers for Disease and Control estimates that 100,000 children are born with the disorder annually in Nigeria
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Bucknor died from complications due to sickle cell, her sister and renowned event planner, Funke Bucknor Obruthe said in an Instagram post."My darling sister and besto Tosyn passed away last night due to complications from sickle cell," she wrote.Bucknor was found unconscious by her husband, a French national, Aurélien Boyer when he returned home from work on Monday night, according to local media reports.Known as the 'Voice of Lagos,' her early morning shows aired on two local radio stations and attracted a strong fanbase among young Nigerians.She was vocal about her health condition and founded the 'These Genes Project' in 2007 to raise awareness about sickle cell.There has been an outpouring of tributes from celebrities and fans of the radio personality.Singer and Nollywood actor Bankole Wellington, commonly known as Banky W, described Tosyn as one of his "favorite people on earth.""I believe she's resting in a better place, but I'm hurting badly because I wasn't ready to say goodbye. "Today I'm completely heartbroken because I have lost one of my favorite people, but I'm so grateful that I got to know her at all. I will miss her forever," Wellington told CNN.Nigerian rapper Falz (real name Folarin Falana) in an Instagram post said the popular vlogger, was in "a better place.""Angels don't die, they ascend to heaven. I know you're in a better place," Falz said.Politician and Lagos State gubernatorial candidate Jimi Agbaje said the news of her death saddened him."I have just received the sad news of the passage of Tosyn Bucknor (Area Mama) due to complications from sickle cell. As a healthcare professional, I am well aware of the challenges of people living with sickle cell. Tosyn fought a good fight," he tweeted.Sickle cell disease is a prevalent genetic disease in Africa, according to the World Health Organization.The United States Centers for Disease and Control estimates that 100,000 children are born with the disorder annually in Nigeria
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