Virginia Kruta | Associate Editor
Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill took a back-handed swipe at Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren during a Monday interview with Fox News host Bret Baier.
“I would not call my colleagues crazy,” McCaskill said, “but Elizabeth Warren sure went after me.”
Baier, referencing a radio ad that painted McCaskill as “not one of those crazy Democrats,” asked the embattled incumbent Senator who the “crazy Democrats” were. (RELATED: Claire McCaskill And Josh Hawley Clash In Kansas City)
“The crazy Democrats are people who walk into restaurants and scream at elected officials faces,” McCaskill explained. “The crazy Democrats are … We have a state Senator here in Missouri that actually advocated for the assassination of President Trump. Thats a crazy Democrat.”
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee ranking member Claire McCaskill (D-MO) questions Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Washington, DC, U.S., May 15, 2018. REUTERS/Erin Schaff
When Baier pressed harder, asking whether there were currently any “crazy Democrats” in the Senate, McCaskill hedged:
I would not call my colleagues crazy, but Elizabeth Warren sure went after me when I advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks and credit unions. I certainly disagree with Bernie Sanders on a bunch of stuff. So Im not afraid — Ive done those kinds of things which do separate me, I think, from some of the knee-jerk folks that are just against the president no matter what.
According to the most recent polls, the RCP average has McCaskills challenger, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley, up two points in a race that is still considered a toss-up.
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Virginia Kruta | Associate Editor
Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill took a back-handed swipe at Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren during a Monday interview with Fox News host Bret Baier.
“I would not call my colleagues crazy,” McCaskill said, “but Elizabeth Warren sure went after me.”
Baier, referencing a radio ad that painted McCaskill as “not one of those crazy Democrats,” asked the embattled incumbent Senator who the “crazy Democrats” were. (RELATED: Claire McCaskill And Josh Hawley Clash In Kansas City)
“The crazy Democrats are people who walk into restaurants and scream at elected officials faces,” McCaskill explained. “The crazy Democrats are … We have a state Senator here in Missouri that actually advocated for the assassination of President Trump. Thats a crazy Democrat.”
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee ranking member Claire McCaskill (D-MO) questions Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Washington, DC, U.S., May 15, 2018. REUTERS/Erin Schaff
When Baier pressed harder, asking whether there were currently any “crazy Democrats” in the Senate, McCaskill hedged:
I would not call my colleagues crazy, but Elizabeth Warren sure went after me when I advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks and credit unions. I certainly disagree with Bernie Sanders on a bunch of stuff. So Im not afraid — Ive done those kinds of things which do separate me, I think, from some of the knee-jerk folks that are just against the president no matter what.
According to the most recent polls, the RCP average has McCaskills challenger, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley, up two points in a race that is still considered a toss-up.
Follow Virginia on Twitter.