MANGALURU: The self-reliant India pitch that Prime Minister Narendra Modi made on Tuesday with the Rs 20-lakh crore package, details of which finance minister Nirmal Sitharaman and her team announced on Wednesday, will help revive Indian economy, Dakshina Kannada MP Nalin Kumar Kateel, said. Sheer size of financial package is the biggest in post-independent India and commensurate to a global pandemic that Covid-19 is, he noted.
Hailing the package, the PM Modi announced, Nalin, also state BJP chief told reporters on Wednesday that present NDA government had come in for criticism that it was a pro-corporate government. The Rs 1.70-lakh crore package that PM announced earlier and the days package that has unravelled details for MSME sector, has proved beyond doubt that this government cares for the working class and MSME sector that is backbone of manufacturing.
The much-touted Jan Dhan programme that is founded on Anthyodaya concept of Deen Dayal Upadhya, Jan Sangh ideologue has lived up to its expectations for the government to pass on financial benefits through the direct benefit transfer mode. The financial help of Rs 500 in two tranches that PM Modi announced for women in the earlier package and even benefits of PM Ujjwala scheme have been transferred to the beneficiaries through DBT, he said.
The financial package to MSME that the finance minister announced will spur entrepreneurship besides giving boost to local manufacturing, he said. It will also help in job creation. The loan moratorium of 4-years announced as part of the package will vastly help the sector that is staring at financial ruin not only pick itself up, but also usher in the New India concept that the nation could Read More – Source
MANGALURU: The self-reliant India pitch that Prime Minister Narendra Modi made on Tuesday with the Rs 20-lakh crore package, details of which finance minister Nirmal Sitharaman and her team announced on Wednesday, will help revive Indian economy, Dakshina Kannada MP Nalin Kumar Kateel, said. Sheer size of financial package is the biggest in post-independent India and commensurate to a global pandemic that Covid-19 is, he noted.
Hailing the package, the PM Modi announced, Nalin, also state BJP chief told reporters on Wednesday that present NDA government had come in for criticism that it was a pro-corporate government. The Rs 1.70-lakh crore package that PM announced earlier and the days package that has unravelled details for MSME sector, has proved beyond doubt that this government cares for the working class and MSME sector that is backbone of manufacturing.
The much-touted Jan Dhan programme that is founded on Anthyodaya concept of Deen Dayal Upadhya, Jan Sangh ideologue has lived up to its expectations for the government to pass on financial benefits through the direct benefit transfer mode. The financial help of Rs 500 in two tranches that PM Modi announced for women in the earlier package and even benefits of PM Ujjwala scheme have been transferred to the beneficiaries through DBT, he said.
The financial package to MSME that the finance minister announced will spur entrepreneurship besides giving boost to local manufacturing, he said. It will also help in job creation. The loan moratorium of 4-years announced as part of the package will vastly help the sector that is staring at financial ruin not only pick itself up, but also usher in the New India concept that the nation could Read More – Source