Berlin (dpa) – The Federal Government is responding to the challenges of an increasingly unstable world order by means of a “policy of integrated security”. The roadmap for this will be provided by the new National Security Strategy, says Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a foreword to the concept adopted by the Federal Cabinet. “Its objective is clear: to maintain the security of citizens and make our contribution to the security of Europe.”
The security strategy seeks to coordinate and dovetail all the resources and instruments available so as to strengthen Germany’s security against external threats. To this end, all relevant policy areas and actors are to be involved. “The supreme task of German security policy is to ensure that we can continue to live in peace, freedom and security in our country in the heart of Europe,” the paper states. For this purpose, it goes on, Germany is unwavering in its commitment to NATO and the EU and is strengthening the Federal Armed Forces. The paper also states that the fundamental free democratic order is to be defended against illegitimate influence, while dependence on raw materials and energy is to be reduced by diversifying supply relationships.
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