Most of us take vitamin D supplements to help maintain a healthy immune system, but there are some people who may not be getting enough of this essential vitamin. This can occur due to various reasons, including inadequate exposure to the sun or inadequate absorption of vitamin D. Some people are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as women who are pregnant, breastfeeding mothers, and individuals who spend a lot of time indoors.
Generally, the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D for adults is about 288 international units (IU) per day. However, this amount is very low, with an individual rarely getting more than this from food alone. Even for fortified cow’s milk, individuals rarely get more than 100 IU per eight-ounce glass. Other sources of vitamin D include eggs and fortified orange juice.
While vitamin D does not occur naturally in food, many products are enriched with vitamin D, such as milk, eggs, and cheese. Make sure to check the nutrition labels on the labels to make sure you’re getting enough of this essential nutrient. Vitamin D is produced in the body when exposed to ultraviolet rays. It is best to wear sunscreen whenever possible, but remember that a little bit of exposure to the sun is beneficial for everyone.
Vitamin D is vital for bone health. Although the human body can make this vitamin, it needs the sun to produce enough to meet the body’s needs. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to serious health problems, so it is essential to get enough from sunlight.