NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate 'Rashtriya Swachhata Kendra' (RSK), an interactive experience centre on the Swachh Bharat Mission on Saturday which will be showcase installations displaying the journey of world's largest behaviour change campaign, the Swachh Bharat Mission.
After taking a tour of the RSK, Prime Minister will interact with 36 school students from Delhi, representing the 36 States and Union Territories, at the amphitheatre of the RSK, adhering to social distancing protocols. This will be followed by Prime Ministers address to the nation.
RSK is a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and was first announced by the Prime Minister in April on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of Gandhi's Champaran Satyagraha.
A balanced mix of digital and outdoor installations in the RSK will impart information, awareness and education on Swachhata and related aspects. The complex interplay of processes and activities will be presented through assimilative learning, best practices, global benchmarks, success stories and thematic messages in an interactive format.
In Hall 1, the visitors will experience a unique 360° audio visual immersive show, which will narrate India's Swachhata Story – a journey into the largest behaviour change campaign in the history of the world.
The hall 2 will contain a series of interactive LED panels, hologram boxes, interactive games and much more, to tell the story of the work done to achieve Bapus vision of a Swachh Bharat.
The open-air displays in the lawn adjacent to the RSK will showcase three exhibits which are anecdotes from the journey of India from Satyagraha to Swachhagraha. The artistic wall murals around the kendra will chronicle the corRead More – Source
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate 'Rashtriya Swachhata Kendra' (RSK), an interactive experience centre on the Swachh Bharat Mission on Saturday which will be showcase installations displaying the journey of world's largest behaviour change campaign, the Swachh Bharat Mission.
After taking a tour of the RSK, Prime Minister will interact with 36 school students from Delhi, representing the 36 States and Union Territories, at the amphitheatre of the RSK, adhering to social distancing protocols. This will be followed by Prime Ministers address to the nation.
RSK is a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and was first announced by the Prime Minister in April on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of Gandhi's Champaran Satyagraha.
A balanced mix of digital and outdoor installations in the RSK will impart information, awareness and education on Swachhata and related aspects. The complex interplay of processes and activities will be presented through assimilative learning, best practices, global benchmarks, success stories and thematic messages in an interactive format.
In Hall 1, the visitors will experience a unique 360° audio visual immersive show, which will narrate India's Swachhata Story – a journey into the largest behaviour change campaign in the history of the world.
The hall 2 will contain a series of interactive LED panels, hologram boxes, interactive games and much more, to tell the story of the work done to achieve Bapus vision of a Swachh Bharat.
The open-air displays in the lawn adjacent to the RSK will showcase three exhibits which are anecdotes from the journey of India from Satyagraha to Swachhagraha. The artistic wall murals around the kendra will chronicle the corRead More – Source