BENGALURU: Karnataka, whose Covid-19 caseload crossed the 1 lakh mark is among the five states along with Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Andhra Pradesh, even which crossed the milestone on Monday, to have a six-digit caseload.
While Karnataka had a slow start, taking more days than the top three states to reach the 10,000 mark, its cases have been spiraling in the past 35 days to touch 1,01,465 cases, including 61,819 active cases. Monday saw the fifth consecutive day with 5,000 plus cases with the state reporting 5,324 new patients. The total number of deaths in the state stood at 1,953, 75 of which were reported Monday.
The massive increase in July has resulted in the state taking fewer days to jump from 50,000 to 1 lakh when compared to Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi. Karnataka, which crossed the 50,000 mark on July 16 saw the caseload double in just 11 days, while Maharashtra, which touched 50,000 cases on May 24, took 19 days and crossed the 1 lakh mark only on June 12.
Tamil Nadu and Delhi took 16 and 18 days to reach 1 lakh after crossing 50,000, while Andhra Pradesh, which reached 50,000 only on July 20, has seen its cases double in just a week to touch 1,02,349 on Monday. With this Andhra Pradesh takes the fourth place in terms of caseload, having 884 more cases than Karnataka.
However, Karnataka, which has taken 139 days since its first case to reach the 1 lakh mark is the slowest among states with 1 lakh plus cases, while Andhra Pradesh which took 136 days is the second slowest. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi took 95, 118 and 126 days respectively.
Prof Aloke Kumar from IISc, who, along with Prof Santosh Ansumali of JNCASR, was among the first to develop a state-wise projection model for Covid in as early as March, told TOI: “As we had predicted earlier, different states were to peak at different times. This was largely because the virus origin was not India and different ports of entry would have seen different numbers of people from abroad enter.”
Testing Comparison
Analysis of available testing data, which also indicated the positivity rate, shows that when these states reached the 50,000 mark, Maharashtra had tested 3.6 lakh samples compared to 9.2 lakh in Karnataka, while TN, Delhi and Andhra had tested 7.7 lakh, 3.3 lakh and 13.1 lakh, Read More – Source
BENGALURU: Karnataka, whose Covid-19 caseload crossed the 1 lakh mark is among the five states along with Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Andhra Pradesh, even which crossed the milestone on Monday, to have a six-digit caseload.
While Karnataka had a slow start, taking more days than the top three states to reach the 10,000 mark, its cases have been spiraling in the past 35 days to touch 1,01,465 cases, including 61,819 active cases. Monday saw the fifth consecutive day with 5,000 plus cases with the state reporting 5,324 new patients. The total number of deaths in the state stood at 1,953, 75 of which were reported Monday.
The massive increase in July has resulted in the state taking fewer days to jump from 50,000 to 1 lakh when compared to Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi. Karnataka, which crossed the 50,000 mark on July 16 saw the caseload double in just 11 days, while Maharashtra, which touched 50,000 cases on May 24, took 19 days and crossed the 1 lakh mark only on June 12.
Tamil Nadu and Delhi took 16 and 18 days to reach 1 lakh after crossing 50,000, while Andhra Pradesh, which reached 50,000 only on July 20, has seen its cases double in just a week to touch 1,02,349 on Monday. With this Andhra Pradesh takes the fourth place in terms of caseload, having 884 more cases than Karnataka.
However, Karnataka, which has taken 139 days since its first case to reach the 1 lakh mark is the slowest among states with 1 lakh plus cases, while Andhra Pradesh which took 136 days is the second slowest. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi took 95, 118 and 126 days respectively.
Prof Aloke Kumar from IISc, who, along with Prof Santosh Ansumali of JNCASR, was among the first to develop a state-wise projection model for Covid in as early as March, told TOI: “As we had predicted earlier, different states were to peak at different times. This was largely because the virus origin was not India and different ports of entry would have seen different numbers of people from abroad enter.”
Testing Comparison
Analysis of available testing data, which also indicated the positivity rate, shows that when these states reached the 50,000 mark, Maharashtra had tested 3.6 lakh samples compared to 9.2 lakh in Karnataka, while TN, Delhi and Andhra had tested 7.7 lakh, 3.3 lakh and 13.1 lakh, Read More – Source