NEW DELHI: In a fresh directive on Monday, the department of personnel and training (DoPT) asked all central government officials at the level of deputy secretary and above to attend office on all working days while 50% of staff below the rank of deputy secretary will attend office on alternate days. This will enhance attendance in central government offices during the lockdown period which has now been extended till May 31.
Earlier, only one-third staff below the rank of deputy secretary were allowed to attend office to maintain social distancing in a sanitised environment.
“Those officers who are not required to attend office on a particular day, shall work from home and should be available on telephone and electronic means or communications at all times,” the DoPT guidelines said.
It also directed the department heads to ensure that all 50% officers and staff who attend office observe staggered timings in three shifts: first shift from 9 am to 5:30 pm; second from 9:Read More – Source
NEW DELHI: In a fresh directive on Monday, the department of personnel and training (DoPT) asked all central government officials at the level of deputy secretary and above to attend office on all working days while 50% of staff below the rank of deputy secretary will attend office on alternate days. This will enhance attendance in central government offices during the lockdown period which has now been extended till May 31.
Earlier, only one-third staff below the rank of deputy secretary were allowed to attend office to maintain social distancing in a sanitised environment.
“Those officers who are not required to attend office on a particular day, shall work from home and should be available on telephone and electronic means or communications at all times,” the DoPT guidelines said.
It also directed the department heads to ensure that all 50% officers and staff who attend office observe staggered timings in three shifts: first shift from 9 am to 5:30 pm; second from 9:Read More – Source