1 LISTEN: A local jazz concert
Celebrate Unesco International Jazz Day by catching a free online concert by the Jazz Association (Singapore), or Jass, at 8.30pm tonight.
Jass@Home will feature seasoned jazz musicians and performers such as pianist Jeremy Monteiro and singer Alemay Fernandez.
The association has held free community concerts to celebrate Unesco International Jazz Day in April since 2018.
This year's show has been moved online, so viewers can enjoy it during the circuit breaker period.
The concert will be broadcast on The Straits Times' Facebook page, YouTube and Twitter channels as well as Jass' social media channels.
Info: Jass' website (str.sg/JQkA) or The Straits Times' channels (youtube.com/user/StraitsTimesOnline; facebook.com/TheStraitsTimes; twitter.com/STcom)
2 WATCH: Project Infinitude
Catch this digital series on Project Infinitude, an educational musical initiative founded by Singaporean music conductor Kahchun Wong (in black).
Together with Child at Street 11, a charity and pre-school for children from diverse and under-privileged backgrounds, the project provides an inclusive space for children to explore classical music.
The episodes are narrated by Wong and Nirmala Murugaian, director of Child at Street 11, bringing viewers along the children's musical journey.
The first episode, available now, offers a glimpse of the activities and impact of Project Infinitude. Subsequent episodes will air every Thursday on ST's website and social media channels.
Info: straitstimes.com, youtube.com/user/StraitsTimesOnline

3 DISCOVER: Change Alley closes for redevelopment
Delve into the past and learn about Singapore's transformation over the years.
Sitting between Raffles Place and Collyer Quay, Change Alley was a meeting point for locals and foreign traders to barter goods and conduct business. It was also a bustling thoroughfare for pedestrians walking from the seafront to Raffles Place.
Over the decades, the alley became known for souvenirs and handicrafts as well as money exchange services. The shops closed after clearance sales in April 1989.
The revamped space was unveiled in 1993 as an air-conditioned shopping arcade flanked by Caltex House (now Chevron House) and Hitachi Tower (now 16 Collyer Quay).
Find out more at: str.sg/JM9J & str.sg/JMvs

4 LEARN: Who invented football
Check out a Google Arts & Culture video to learn about the beautiful game and its origins.
1 LISTEN: A local jazz concert
Celebrate Unesco International Jazz Day by catching a free online concert by the Jazz Association (Singapore), or Jass, at 8.30pm tonight.
Jass@Home will feature seasoned jazz musicians and performers such as pianist Jeremy Monteiro and singer Alemay Fernandez.
The association has held free community concerts to celebrate Unesco International Jazz Day in April since 2018.
This year's show has been moved online, so viewers can enjoy it during the circuit breaker period.
The concert will be broadcast on The Straits Times' Facebook page, YouTube and Twitter channels as well as Jass' social media channels.
Info: Jass' website (str.sg/JQkA) or The Straits Times' channels (youtube.com/user/StraitsTimesOnline; facebook.com/TheStraitsTimes; twitter.com/STcom)
2 WATCH: Project Infinitude
Catch this digital series on Project Infinitude, an educational musical initiative founded by Singaporean music conductor Kahchun Wong (in black).
Together with Child at Street 11, a charity and pre-school for children from diverse and under-privileged backgrounds, the project provides an inclusive space for children to explore classical music.
The episodes are narrated by Wong and Nirmala Murugaian, director of Child at Street 11, bringing viewers along the children's musical journey.
The first episode, available now, offers a glimpse of the activities and impact of Project Infinitude. Subsequent episodes will air every Thursday on ST's website and social media channels.
Info: straitstimes.com, youtube.com/user/StraitsTimesOnline

3 DISCOVER: Change Alley closes for redevelopment
Delve into the past and learn about Singapore's transformation over the years.
Sitting between Raffles Place and Collyer Quay, Change Alley was a meeting point for locals and foreign traders to barter goods and conduct business. It was also a bustling thoroughfare for pedestrians walking from the seafront to Raffles Place.
Over the decades, the alley became known for souvenirs and handicrafts as well as money exchange services. The shops closed after clearance sales in April 1989.
The revamped space was unveiled in 1993 as an air-conditioned shopping arcade flanked by Caltex House (now Chevron House) and Hitachi Tower (now 16 Collyer Quay).
Find out more at: str.sg/JM9J & str.sg/JMvs

4 LEARN: Who invented football
Check out a Google Arts & Culture video to learn about the beautiful game and its origins.