If all goes as per plan, then in two years from now, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams will inaugurate a replica of Lord Venkateswara temple in J&K. The temple is likely to come up close to the Vaishno Devi shrine along the Jammu-Katra highway. The J&K government will allocate a 100-acre land to TTD to construct the replica temple, a kalyana mandapam, a Vedic school and a hospital.
A special TTD delegation recently held talks with the J&K government, followed by inspections of two proposed sites for the new temple at Dhummi and Majin. Last December, the TTD trust board had resolved to construct two temples, one in Jammu and the other in Prime Minister Narendra Modis constituency, Varanasi, in Uttar Pradesh.
A special TTD delegation comprising executive officer Anil Kumar Singhal, JEO P Basant Kumar and chief engineer Ramachandra Reddy along with special invitee to the TTD trust board J Sekhar and YSRC MP V Vijaya Sai Reddy recently held talks with the J&K government, followed by inspections of two proposed sites for the new temple at Dhummi and Majin.
Last December, the TTD trust board had resolved to coRead More – Source
If all goes as per plan, then in two years from now, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams will inaugurate a replica of Lord Venkateswara temple in J&K. The temple is likely to come up close to the Vaishno Devi shrine along the Jammu-Katra highway. The J&K government will allocate a 100-acre land to TTD to construct the replica temple, a kalyana mandapam, a Vedic school and a hospital.
A special TTD delegation recently held talks with the J&K government, followed by inspections of two proposed sites for the new temple at Dhummi and Majin. Last December, the TTD trust board had resolved to construct two temples, one in Jammu and the other in Prime Minister Narendra Modis constituency, Varanasi, in Uttar Pradesh.
A special TTD delegation comprising executive officer Anil Kumar Singhal, JEO P Basant Kumar and chief engineer Ramachandra Reddy along with special invitee to the TTD trust board J Sekhar and YSRC MP V Vijaya Sai Reddy recently held talks with the J&K government, followed by inspections of two proposed sites for the new temple at Dhummi and Majin.
Last December, the TTD trust board had resolved to coRead More – Source