United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized $900,000 in counterfeit US currency from a commercial rail shipment from China. They were packed in 45 cartons of counterfeit $1 bills.Officers made the discovery last week at the International Falls Port of Entry in Minnesota.The law enforcement organization said stopping the flow of illicit goods is a priority trade issue for them. "Thanks to the dedication of our officers and our partnership with the Secret Service, we were able to keep this currency from entering into circulation," said Jason Schmelz, Pembina Area Port Director, in a statement.
United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized $900,000 in counterfeit US currency from a commercial rail shipment from China. They were packed in 45 cartons of counterfeit $1 bills.Officers made the discovery last week at the International Falls Port of Entry in Minnesota.The law enforcement organization said stopping the flow of illicit goods is a priority trade issue for them. "Thanks to the dedication of our officers and our partnership with the Secret Service, we were able to keep this currency from entering into circulation," said Jason Schmelz, Pembina Area Port Director, in a statement.