NEW DELHI: Ludhiana police have launched a campaign to check traffic violators, saying embassies of Canada and Australia have been asking for details of offences committed by those seeking long-term visa for these countries.
Police have been getting calls every month in the past one year from these embassies seeking traffic violation details of visa applicants, Ludhiana police commissioner Rakesh Agrawal told TOI on Friday.
“We have details of offences committed by drivers in digital format. So we can share information with authorities concerned. Since several people from Ludhiana apply for citizenship or long-term visa for these two countries, we are using it as a tool to deter traffic rules,” he said.
Other cities can follow Ludhiana: Experts
Ludhiana, known as the city of Mercedes cars, has a dubious road safety record. In 2018, at least 328 people were killed in 477 road accidents as compared to 281 deaths in 2017. “We have high number of deathsRead More – Source
NEW DELHI: Ludhiana police have launched a campaign to check traffic violators, saying embassies of Canada and Australia have been asking for details of offences committed by those seeking long-term visa for these countries.
Police have been getting calls every month in the past one year from these embassies seeking traffic violation details of visa applicants, Ludhiana police commissioner Rakesh Agrawal told TOI on Friday.
“We have details of offences committed by drivers in digital format. So we can share information with authorities concerned. Since several people from Ludhiana apply for citizenship or long-term visa for these two countries, we are using it as a tool to deter traffic rules,” he said.
Other cities can follow Ludhiana: Experts
Ludhiana, known as the city of Mercedes cars, has a dubious road safety record. In 2018, at least 328 people were killed in 477 road accidents as compared to 281 deaths in 2017. “We have high number of deathsRead More – Source