MUMBAI: Maharashtra home minister and NCP politician Anil Deshmukh on Wednesday said he had demanded a detailed report on the Koregaon-Bhima case, including its current status, and also said that if there is a demand from someone with enough proof, then he will reopen the Justice Loya case.
Deshmukh said in the earlier BJP government, anyone who spoke against the administration was being termed as an 'Urban Naxal'. He added he had asked for information in the cases in which such a thing had happened. "Whoever disagreed with their views were termed as 'Urban Naxals' and this is wrong. The previous government had set an example in this regard," he said.
The term 'Urban Naxal' was used by Pune police probing the alleged links between the Elgaar Parishad conclave of December 31, 2017 and the caste clashes around Koregaon-Bhima in Pune district the next day. "I will be holding a meeting with senior police officials and other government pleaders regarding the Koregaon-Bhima case. I have asked for details of the case, judgments given by the courts and the hearings done by the government-appointed committee in the case," he said. He also said that if someone demands the cRead More – Source
MUMBAI: Maharashtra home minister and NCP politician Anil Deshmukh on Wednesday said he had demanded a detailed report on the Koregaon-Bhima case, including its current status, and also said that if there is a demand from someone with enough proof, then he will reopen the Justice Loya case.
Deshmukh said in the earlier BJP government, anyone who spoke against the administration was being termed as an 'Urban Naxal'. He added he had asked for information in the cases in which such a thing had happened. "Whoever disagreed with their views were termed as 'Urban Naxals' and this is wrong. The previous government had set an example in this regard," he said.
The term 'Urban Naxal' was used by Pune police probing the alleged links between the Elgaar Parishad conclave of December 31, 2017 and the caste clashes around Koregaon-Bhima in Pune district the next day. "I will be holding a meeting with senior police officials and other government pleaders regarding the Koregaon-Bhima case. I have asked for details of the case, judgments given by the courts and the hearings done by the government-appointed committee in the case," he said. He also said that if someone demands the cRead More – Source