HONG KONG: On Monday evening (Nov 25) in Hong Kong, just hours after the Hong Kong democrats made global headlines with a landslide victory in the District Council election, thousands gathered in the shopping district of Tsim Sha Tsui East calling for the unconditional release of protesters remaining at the nearby besieged Polytechnic University.
They occupied the road tainted by polices tear gas from the previous week, chanting slogans and waving the protest flag that spelt out “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”.
READ: What the democrats' landslide election victory means for Hong Kong
READ: Commentary: Hong Kong campus siege widens split between moderates, radicals
At another much quieter cordon line around the corner stood a few unmasked police officers dressed in riot gear.
During a casual conversation with these seemingly much friendlier police officers on the prospect of the protests and ongoing chaos, one of them said to me helplessly: “I dont see how this is going to end.”
I dont either.
Despite Hongkongers making history with a record turnout of 71.2 per cent – 2.94 million registered voters – and the pro-democracy camp gaining control of the District Council for the first time, winning 388 out of 452 seats and wiping out the pro-Beijing camp, Carrie Lam, Hong Kongs Chief Executive, still refused to admit the mistakes shes made.
READ: Hong Kong leader admits local elections revealed 'unhappiness' with government
This citywide direct election has been regarded as a de facto referendum on the protests that have developed into a movement demanding freedom, democracy and justice.
Voters line up at a polling station during district council local elections in Hong Kong, China November 24, 2019. REUTERS/Athit Perawongmetha
On Tuesday, when Lam met the press for the first time after the pro-Beijing camps catastrophic defeat, she only claimed that she will “seriously reflect” on the election results, framing the results as peoples desire to “end violence”.
And as for answering the protesters' five demands, including universal suffrage, an independent probe into the polices accountability for the excessive use of force, and amnesty for those who have been arrested, Lams answer was a no, saying that she has already given in by withdrawing the controversial extradition bill that sparked the protests – one of the five demands – and no further concessions will be made.
READ: Commentary: Behind Hong Kongs extradition bill protests – a looming divide, growing pessimism about the future
Such a statement will not end the movement. In fact, Lams statement could be more or less a reflection of the stance of Beijing.
Reuters reported that a new crisis command centre has been set up across the border in Shenzhen, which channels messages concerning the situation of Hong Kong directly to top leaders in Beijing.
Such a communications channel bypasses the Liaison Office of the Central Peoples Government in Hong Kong, which, in theory, plays that role since the British handed over to mainland China in 1997 under the “One Country, Two Systems” framework.
READ: Commentary: This may be the end of Hong Kong as we know it
But the fatal defeat of the pro-Beijing camp in the District Council election can be interpreted as the failure of the Liaison Office, that it might have been sending inaccurate information to Beijing.
The Reuters report said that top leaders in Beijing were considering replacing the Liaison Office with the crisis command centre.
The central government in Beijing has so far voiced its confidence in Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam and the city police to put a lid on the increasingly violent protests. (Photo: AFP/Philip Fong)
This could be a sign demonstrating Beijings determination to have a better grasp of Hong Kong affairs.
This means the pro-democracy camp will have to be ready for a bumpy ride as Hong Kong will prepares for its Legislative Council election in September next year.
The District Council has turned the pro-Beijing camp into the opposition minority, and they will put the pro-democracy camp under scrutiny.