NEW DELHI: The SC may have ousted VHP-backed Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas from the scheme for construction of the Ram temple but the Sangh affiliate may end up as a key player in the mandir project. For, the court also left it for the Centre to set up the trust and the Modi government is unlikely to leave out VHP, the spearhead for the construction of Ram mandir.
VHP enjoys the support of a phalanx of Hindu seers who helped it fend off those who regularly tried to wrest control of the mandir campaign and the site for the proposed temple. As it happens, the SC tossed one of the rival claimants, Nirmohi Akhara, out of the ring. The Akhara, which got lucky in 2010 when Allahabad HC allotted it onethird of the disputed site, will now have to do with “representation” that has been left for the Centre to determine.
VHP will still find itself contending with a welter of rival claims from other Akharas and sants, including the Shankaracharyas and Mahamandaleshwars. The Centres likely backing will ensure that it gets to shape and control the project it has steered with huge dividends for the Sangh Parivar from the 1980s.
Its case is bolstered by the support it enjoys from saffron figures: from Pejawar Swami of Udipi to Swami AvRead More – Source