SHIMLA: Former Union minister and MP Dr Subramanian Swami on Saturday said that possibility of early construction of Ram Temple at Ayodhya has risen. He said that after Supreme Court's decision on Ram temple, Centre should pave way for the acquisition land for Shri Krishna Janambhumi and Kashi Vishavnath temple.
While addressing the media in Shimla, Swami said that at both the places land should be acquired and adequate compensation should be given to other party. He said if decision is not taken on this direction then he would launch an agitation. Swami was addressing media personson the sidelines of forming state executive for Virat Hindustan Sangam.
He said that interest rates of savings in the banks should be increased so that people could be encouraged to deposit more money in the banks. He said similarly, interest rates on loans should be lowered. He said he is not against income tax relief to rich people but at the same time efforts should be made to provide more relief to common people. He also criticized the hasty implementation of GST and advocated its removal.
Without naming former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, he praised him indirectly for his economic reforms. He said that analysis of murder of Mahatama Gandhi needs to be done again. He said that analysis of Gandhis death would make it clear whether Gandhi was killed by the bullet of Nathu Ram Godse. He questioned the failure to conduct post-mortem on Gandhi, not taking him to hospital in time and confusion on number of bullets fired. Read More – Source