SHAHJAHANPUR: A local court on Saturday permitted the Special Investigation Team (SIT) to collect voice samples of former Union minister Chinmayanand and the law student who accused him of raping her.
The SIT had on Thursday moved an application for collecting their voice samples, besides those of three youths who were charged with demanding extortion from the BJP leader.
After hearing the counsels, chief judicial magistrate Omvir Singh, who had reserved his order on Friday, gave permission to take the five of them to Lucknow for the purpose.
The law student's counsel, Anoop Trivedi, said he and others had objected to SIT's application seeking permission to collect the samples, saying that if required, it should have been sought within the stipulated time of 15 days.
Meanwhile, BJP leader and former MLC Jayesh Prasad on Saturday held a press conference, accusing the top Congress leadership of hatching a conspiracy to defame the Yogi Adityanath government in connection with the caRead More – Source