SHAHJAHANPUR: A district court on Monday dismissed the bail pleas of BJP leader Swami Chinmayanand and the law student who has accused him of rape. The student has been accused of alleged extortion. They were sent to 14-day-judicial custody after being arrested in cases now running parallel.
“The court found both the crimes to be grave. There were forensically verified video evidence, which would have been another factor behind rejection of bail,” district government counsel Anuj Singh told TOI. Singh told the court that according to the statement of the law student, the former minister used to tear her clothes whenever she refused to remove them on her own.
During Chinmayanands hearing, the SIT also submitted that there were four people, including the security guard of the BJP leaders ashram, who confirmed that the law student used to often visit Divya Dhaam. According to the woman, she was repeatedly raped there. The videos of the massageRead More – Source