The moving first trailer for A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, staring Tom Hanks as Mister Rogers, is bound to warm even the coldest of hearts. The biopic focuses on the real-life friendship between Fred Rogers, played by Hanks, and journalist Tom Junod, played by Matthew Rhys. Junod's article Can You Say…Hero?, which published in Esquire in 1998, was the inspiration for the film.
In the trailer, released on Monday, we see Junod interviewing Rogers and asking if he considers himself a hero. Hanks appears to have marvelously captured the kind smile and inspirational nature of Fred Rodgers and his iconic children's show Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood.
Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood first aired nationally in 1968, and Rodgers hosted all 895 episodes. Rodgers was considered a champion of publish television who committed his life to making programing for children. In 1969, he famously testified before before Congress saying "I feel that if we in public television can only make it clear that feelings are mentionable and manageable, we will have done a great service for mental health."
The trailer is full of sweet moments — like a train full of people signing the theme song to Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood — and seems to have struck a cord with viewers on social media, with Tom Hanks and #ABeautifulDayMovie trending on Twitter.
The moving first trailer for A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, staring Tom Hanks as Mister Rogers, is bound to warm even the coldest of hearts. The biopic focuses on the real-life friendship between Fred Rogers, played by Hanks, and journalist Tom Junod, played by Matthew Rhys. Junod's article Can You Say…Hero?, which published in Esquire in 1998, was the inspiration for the film.
In the trailer, released on Monday, we see Junod interviewing Rogers and asking if he considers himself a hero. Hanks appears to have marvelously captured the kind smile and inspirational nature of Fred Rodgers and his iconic children's show Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood.
Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood first aired nationally in 1968, and Rodgers hosted all 895 episodes. Rodgers was considered a champion of publish television who committed his life to making programing for children. In 1969, he famously testified before before Congress saying "I feel that if we in public television can only make it clear that feelings are mentionable and manageable, we will have done a great service for mental health."
The trailer is full of sweet moments — like a train full of people signing the theme song to Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood — and seems to have struck a cord with viewers on social media, with Tom Hanks and #ABeautifulDayMovie trending on Twitter.