Sit back, relax and start typing.
Pull up a Söderhamn or a Grönlid couch. Ikea has rolled out Soffa Sans, a free font based on its "design your own sofa" tool that lets customers create personalized seating solutions. Or spell giant words in their living rooms.
The font's letters are configured from couches in the modular Vallentuna series and come in white, blue and gray.
"Its modular form and relaxed letter-spacing make it one of the most versatile," Ikea says of the font. "Also available in life-size."
When Ikea first introduced the couch design function last month, customers immediately tapped the online tool to come up with all kinds of outrageously complex and impractical couch configurations.
"Behold this couch fortress with a drawbridge me and my roomie made a few months ago," one tweeted.
Behold this Couch Fortress With A Drawbridge me and my roomie made a few months ago, yours for the low low price of £3925
— Mr. Squidgereen (@Mrsquidgereen) June 22, 2019
Ikea said the wacky ideas led to Soffa Sans. "We loved your sofa planner creations so much they inspired the comfiest font ever," the company said.
European website The Drum, which is dedicated to marketing, calculated that the 1,434 products that make up the Soffa Sans alphabet would cost approximately $135,027 in dark gray.
You can download the font here. Then go fluff some pillows and take a näp. >Read More – Source
Sit back, relax and start typing.
Pull up a Söderhamn or a Grönlid couch. Ikea has rolled out Soffa Sans, a free font based on its "design your own sofa" tool that lets customers create personalized seating solutions. Or spell giant words in their living rooms.
The font's letters are configured from couches in the modular Vallentuna series and come in white, blue and gray.
"Its modular form and relaxed letter-spacing make it one of the most versatile," Ikea says of the font. "Also available in life-size."
When Ikea first introduced the couch design function last month, customers immediately tapped the online tool to come up with all kinds of outrageously complex and impractical couch configurations.
"Behold this couch fortress with a drawbridge me and my roomie made a few months ago," one tweeted.
Behold this Couch Fortress With A Drawbridge me and my roomie made a few months ago, yours for the low low price of £3925
— Mr. Squidgereen (@Mrsquidgereen) June 22, 2019
Ikea said the wacky ideas led to Soffa Sans. "We loved your sofa planner creations so much they inspired the comfiest font ever," the company said.
European website The Drum, which is dedicated to marketing, calculated that the 1,434 products that make up the Soffa Sans alphabet would cost approximately $135,027 in dark gray.
You can download the font here. Then go fluff some pillows and take a näp. >Read More – Source