10:22 PM 02/23/2018
A Seattle, Washington resident recently made headlines by mistaking the Norwegian flag for the Confederate flag.
According to The Seattle Times, author Rebecca Morris sent a tip to the paper that read, “Hi. Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a house in my Greenwood neighborhood. It is at the north-east corner of 92nd and Palatine, just a block west of 92nd and Greenwood Ave N. I would love to know what this ‘means’ … but of course don’t want to knock on their door. Maybe others in the area are flying the flag? Maybe it’s a story? Thank you.”
However, when a reporter checked out the flag’s location, it was actually a Norwegian flag that had been put up by a Norwegian-American man for the Olympics.
This incident is reflective of a lot of things, but mistaking innocent symbols for symbols of racism isn’t exactly unprecedented.
In 2016, someone sent the Indiana University campus into a frenzy by tweeting, “”IU students, be careful, there’s someone walking around in KKK gear with a whip.”
The person in “KKK gear,” however, turned out to be a Dominican monk wearing a robe.
10:22 PM 02/23/2018
A Seattle, Washington resident recently made headlines by mistaking the Norwegian flag for the Confederate flag.
According to The Seattle Times, author Rebecca Morris sent a tip to the paper that read, “Hi. Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a house in my Greenwood neighborhood. It is at the north-east corner of 92nd and Palatine, just a block west of 92nd and Greenwood Ave N. I would love to know what this ‘means’ … but of course don’t want to knock on their door. Maybe others in the area are flying the flag? Maybe it’s a story? Thank you.”
However, when a reporter checked out the flag’s location, it was actually a Norwegian flag that had been put up by a Norwegian-American man for the Olympics.
This incident is reflective of a lot of things, but mistaking innocent symbols for symbols of racism isn’t exactly unprecedented.
In 2016, someone sent the Indiana University campus into a frenzy by tweeting, “”IU students, be careful, there’s someone walking around in KKK gear with a whip.”
The person in “KKK gear,” however, turned out to be a Dominican monk wearing a robe.