Even a monkey wrench can make us open both our mouths and purses with admiration if it’s created by a talented designer.
Bright Side has created a list of things into which creators put all their imagination, wit, and visions of beauty. And there’s a riddle waiting for you at the end: what do you think the weird object in the picture is intended for? (You know, literally everyone needs it!) Click on the photo to find out the correct answer.
20. A “censored” towel
19. This flat water bottle will even fit into a small handbag.
18. This toothpaste paints poorly cleaned tooth areas blue.
17. The “Bubble of Silence” is a gizmo that blocks all extraneous sounds: noise from the street, neighboring apartments, voices, etc.
16. A ski mask in the form of a cat face
15. A toilet paper holder for lazy admirers of cool design
14. A windshield cover for fans of Star Wars
13. A metal dish scrubber holder in the form of a lady singing in a tub
12. The coolest monkey wrench ever!
11. A folding “suitcase” scooter
10. This multifunctional “snowflake” with screwdrivers and a bottle opener is easy to carry with you.
9. This audio sleeping mask suppresses noise and allows you to listen to music and audiobooks even in the noisiest places.
8. Sugar lace for exquisite tea parties
7. This block for your notes has a hidden paper sculpture inside.
6. This cup squeezes a tea bag to the very last drop.
5. A “precious” food spray
4. This compact “drop” bag for wet items protects other things in your backpack from moisture.
3. Planet lollipops
2. Heat resistant gloves for BBQs and other “hot” work
1. This antistress cube has different buttons and switches on each side.
Bonus: Guess what it is. Click on the picture to learn the answer.
Which items have stolen your heart? Share in the comments!