Stephen Lam/ Getty Images
byCharlie Nash22 Dec 20170
Apple is being sued after the company admitted to slowing down older iPhone models in a statement this week.
According to CNBC, “Stefan Bogdanovich and Dakota Speas brought a class action lawsuit in California — where they are residents — against Apple, an official filing revealed Thursday.”
“They claim that Apple never requested consent from them to ‘slow down their iPhones.’ Both plaintiffs are owners of an iPhone 7,” CNBC explained. “Bogdanovich and Speas claim they ‘suffered interferences to their iPhone usage due to the intentional slowdowns.'”
The two Apple customers are also claiming “economic damages and other harm for which they are entitled to compensation” and “are trying to get the case certified to cover all people in the United States who owned an Apple phone older than the iPhone 8.”
Apple confirmed they were slowing down older iPhone models on Wednesday, claiming it was in an effort to prevent random shutdowns which were taking place due to old lithium-ion batteries.
Several users on Twitter had claimed their devices were being “throttled” before Apple admitted to the practice, and many alleged the company was slowing down iPhones in an effort to force customers to upgrade.
Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington and Gab @Nash, or like his page at Facebook.
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Breitbart California, Tech, Apple, IPhone, lawsuit
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